2014 Dog Horoscope

 Those born in the Year of Dog: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

This year, dog friend will be surrounded by an uncomfortable state of mind. Villains will gossip behind your back and you will get very depressed. You should always remain optimistic in all circumstances and never let villains ruin your day. This year, there are job transfers, home decoration, sale of real estate or even changing your business entity name is a good thing. Beware of overspending and robbery. You should engage in meaningful activities to enhance the quality of life, reduce hesitatation, enhance wisdom to enjoy life, to prevent overspending and save more for raining days.

Career Luck
Dog friends are likely to be very busy this year. You should be psychologically prepared for the challenges ahead this year. As long as you put in enough effort, even unfavourable situation will eventually turn into your favour. For those talented friend, humble attitude is the key to success to counter demanding boss, not opinionated.

Wealth Luck
This year, there will be alot of expenditure and you will find that it is not easy to save any money. I am afraid there will be things stolen at home and unhappy things will happen. Do not place too much importance on the loss of wealth. There is a saying in Chinese "a financial loss can bring peace and harmony". To some extent, it can help to resolve the fierce destructive power of Eritrea and bring peace and security to the family.  This year, even if you happens to have a little extra money,  you will find that relatives or friends would want to borrow from you and you are unable to save these.money. You may wish to take advantage of this year to travel to more places, spend on beauty, design, etc., to make yourself more beautiful or handsome. Slowly take your pace and enjoy life.

Relationship Luck
Relationship will changed for unmarried friends if they continue to hesitate about marriage. A third party will try to wreck your relationship and most of the time, those relationship are puppy love and in the end you will be deserted. This year, married couples will feel distant in their relationship and either party might harbour the thought of faithfulness. It is best to rekindle family relationships. For couples with children, it is good to place a Wen Chang to assist the children in their studies and strengthened faith. Parents should not spoil their children by blindly using money to meet the requirements of the child.

Health Luck
This year, dog friends should focus on home fengshui blindspots on the left, otherwise there might have disaster. Door open to the northeast, southeast, northwest needs to pay special attention. The remedies are: go for a dental fillings, blood donation, pray to ancestors to seek longevity; but also according to the home position to place a faucets turtle god, basaltic to avoid committing criminal.

Lucky number: 1693

Lucky Jewelry: Basaltic