2014 Rat Horoscope

Those born in the year of Rat: 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

General Forecast for Zodiac Rat
This year, Zodiac Rat friends are in conflict with the Grand Duke. This year, there will be huge fluctuations in your fortune and the change of fortune will caught one by surprise. So zodiac rat friends have to be extra careful this year.

Career Luck
This year, there will be limited career development. In your workplace, you will always experience a "war" state in your working environment rendering you exhausted and forced to leave. If there is a better job opportunity, it will be wise to consider changing jobs.

Wealth Luck
Due to the conflict with Grand Duke, it is wise to be cautious about your investment. This year, Zodiac Rat friends can consider renovating your house to improve your luck. You are also suitable to travel overseas which have the effect of improving your luck as well. In the last quarter of the year, there will be windfall and Zodiac Rat friends should seize the opportunity to improve the sensitivity of the information.

Love Luck
This year, husband and wife will feel isolated. There are opinion differences between couples which causes feelings of apathy disharmony. In addition, for those families who have adolescent, parents have to actively communicate and expressed concern with the child and beware of germinating ideas to prevent precocious child rebellious behavior.

Health Luck
Men should pay special attention to diseases of the eye, heart and lung disorders. To avoid excessive pressure and cause overwork. For elderly, it is best to have regular heart checks. As this year, you are in conflict with the Grand Duke, you will easily get hurt caused by intense exercise or collision injuries.

Lucky number: 1540

Lucky Jewelry: White Glass - Buddha